Thursday 30 September 2010


Oh Hey Blog World
It has been a busy busy week my friends. Lots of nannying and scheduling, etc. I will say, I am excited for the days when I will work some regular hours with some consistency!

So this spring I decided to buy a pass to the Minnesota Zoo . I went with the Individual +1 option, and it has more than paid for itself. This Monday, it was an absolutely perfect leaf crunching day. Clear blue skies, high 60's temps, it was an ideal day. Even though it was under construction, the parking lot still had tons of handicap spaces which is also helpful. Luckily my grandpa has a motorized scooter, so off we went to the Zoo to ride the trails in his Big Bruno.

The day was a success! We covered the entire Northern Trail, and the entire inside. I got to pet the sharks and sting rays, and gpa got to take a snooze in front of the shark tank :) My personal favorite spot is the Discovery Cove area. I LOVE the entire dolphin family: a new calf (so stinking cute), the calf's mom, grandma, and dad. Also, one of the tigers was out and roaming about. I never get to see them! Fabulous to see it out and walking. The grizzleys were nice and teddy bear like, all snuggled up in little fur balls

We enjoyed a great lunch (Definitely a decent variety of options and tasted pretty good! Not incredibly overpriced either, about standard lunch prices with lots of options). Oh how I love that man. Despite not having a nice normal schedule, I am SO grateful for the extra time I get to spend with my family. Here are a few pics my friends.

Look at the Camels! 

I love him :)

Fishtank on the Tropics Trail
Gpa is the cutest sweetest old guy ever. And rather hilarious. Overall, great experience, awesome paved trails, VERY well maintained grounds and the animals, as usual, were adorable.

Tuesday 28 September 2010


I have a job HUZZAH! It isn't a full time job, and it seems like it may get boring at times, but at least I have a job. Yaysies. And I will still get to nanny kiddos with my new job. Double Huzzah.

Sunday 26 September 2010


So last Sunday, I had the chance to attend the Vikings/Dolphins game... IN THE FIFTH ROW. Not only was I in the 5th row, but I was located 15 feet away from where the Vikings ran out in the end zone tunnel. And I was smack behind the end zone. Amazing! So, for your pleasure, here are pictures... WITHOUT THE ZOOM. I don't think I have ever attended a professional sporting event where I didn't use my zoom lens. 

Vikes End Zone


Neighbors and me (I'm on the Left)

Overall review of game in the Dome: Much better than baseball in the dome. Turf looks painful. Cheeseburger as large as my face.  We'll leave it at that.

Livin' on dreams and Spaghettios

I fully realize that I ripped this phrase off of a cheesy country song, and pretty soon I'll be throwing pennies in the fountain of youth. I am a single 20 something gal who really does live on dreams and spaghettios (ok, actually they are the organic Annies Bernio's, and I am SO not ashamed to admit it. Sometimes there are soy meatballs in them. Even better). I graduated from a Big10 University in May of 2009 with a degree in Health and Sports Studies, and Communication Studies. What am I doing with this multi 10's of thousands of dollars double BA? I'm a nanny (insert living on dreams part here). I also live with my mom (insert more living on dreams... like a studio with a closet big enough to support my high heel addiction). There are houses for sale for less than I owe banks for my schooling.

* Sidenote: Funny how the Big 10 has now turned into the Big 12, and the Big 12 is now the Big 10. Iowa plays Nebraska, and it's going to be the Farm Smackdown of the midwest. End rant. *

I have a passion for health, well being, and being social. I have worked out between 2-7 days a week since I was in Middle School, and I have come to learn that challenging my body stems from my mind. If my mind tells my legs to move, they will move, regardless of what my body wants to do. I'm currently attempting to train for a half marathon. I kinda blew my own mind when I decided to do that. But again, it is a mental struggle. *updates on how training is going soon*. I do have to give a shout out to This awesome dude who is helping me train (via website...). I hope to someday be one of those 90 year old super awesome athletic superfreaksofnature that is featured on orange juice commercials. After the shooting of the commercial, I will return to my 50 dogs and my hot pink rocking chair yelling at small children on my front porch. Except I like kids, so I'll probably just feed them candy. And cookies. And probably make a beef roast dinner with mashed potatoes b/c that's the way to win people over. Obvs.

So blogworld, what are my dreams? I have dreams of making a difference. And I recently have been offered the chance to work at a local religious Community Center as a Fitness Specialist. I am so excited about this opportunity for SO many reasons, but some of them are:

1). I am fascinated with other cultures and am excited to work with a community that is outside my norm.

2). I get to help people use cardio machines and weights. Walking into a gym is intimidating, esp. if you are not technologically savvy. Even more so if the person working out next to you is the size of your right butt cheek, or a former WWE fighter. I can't WAIT to help people become comfortable in gyms.

3). I am encouraged to be social and interact. Talk to people? Ok. Think I can do it :) I'm hoping that I can be personable and outgoing without overbearing and make people want to come back.

4). I think there will be opportunities for lots of stuff within the center. *excited squeal!* I start training in two days. And..... I GET TO WEAR SPANDEX. I love spandex because it hides the meteor shower that has targeted my upper thigh region it is comfy.

And with that my friends, I am signing off.


Oh, hai

I am twenty something gal who has a mind located not in my head, but rather on a series of hot pink and green post its in my planner. I previously had a blog, but do to some creepy circumstances, I had to nix it. Wah wah for me. Additional wah wah for creepy stalker dude (who I am still scared will just pop up randomly on my front porch someday) who no longer can keep tabs on me.

So why am I blogging? Hmm. Part of it is I LOVED updating my other blog. In undergrad I traveled around Europe in true "pack your life into 2 suitcases" fashion. It was amazing...and really hard to pick what shoes I wanted. Maybe someday I will get all crafty and import that blog, which would be sweet. But back to original question: Why am I blogging? What do I have to offer the world to people who don't know me? Furthermore, why do I want people who don't know me to know an electronic version of who I think I am? I have no answers to these questions, and only hope to reveal them as I blog more. But I can tell you:

I love baseball and sports. Love them.

I believe a healthy lifestyle encompasses mental and physical well being, and many chocolate chip cookies.

And I love life. And politically incorrect cartoons.

First post? Donezo. And while it isn't exactly substantial, it is something. Huzzah.