It has snowed multiple times already here in the great white north. Blustery winds, small yet faceplanting it on the driveway capable sized drifts have accumulated along with its annual four letter choice words to accompany it all. Even more so this year now that I have moved in with my grandfather, so I am responsible for the shoveling. Despite my wildest dreams of attaching a shovel to the front of one of his 3 scooters, I am obliged to deal with it the way most house living adults do.... shovel. Upon waking in the mornings and realizing my obligation, a few more choice words tend to slip out, and I bundle up in my star shaped snow suit and Sportos and waddle out to the front drive, much resembling Little Brother Randy from A Christmas Story.
White. Calm. Glistening. Sparkly (I had to say it...) Snowglobes and childhood wonder. As I am sitting in the local coffee shop having a cup of joe (and eyeing the Fedora clad Barista) surrounded by the warmth of the plush chair I'm in, staring out the ceiling height windows, I am reminded that this is supposed to be snow. The salt shaker, inside a Dickens Village Snowglobe effect is finally latching on (at least the swearing has subsided).
As I am sitting warm and cozily (and making eye contact with hot barista), I am reminded to step back, especially this time of year, and allow the childlike excitement to overcome me. Except that thank God I am not a child, as I couldn't drink coffee then, and what kind of awful morning would that be?!
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